Things are still a bit messy on the blog as I imported it from my old website. Links may be broken. I’m working on it! Thanks for your patience.

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All you need to know about macro lenses

What is a really good but affordable macro lens for my camera to help me take clean, crisp macro pictures of flowers? Answer: There are three types of lenses you can use for close up photography: Fixed focal length macro lens, macro zoom lens, and close up filters.

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Should I use a flash or get a fast lens?

At some point after you've purchased that entry level sub $1000 dSLR kit with a couple of consumer grade zoom lenses, you're going to want a faster, sharper lens. By faster I mean one with a larger f-stop than the typical f3.5 you're getting at the wide angle setting of the lens in the kits. Remember, a faster lens lets in more light, so you can you can use a faster shutter speed. That's where the term comes from.

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