Things are still a bit messy on the blog as it is imported from my old website. If you’ve ever done this, you know that these transitions never go as smoothly as they claim. A few links may still be broken. Thanks for your patience.
Bokeh: How to get shallow depth of field, no matter what kind of camera you have
You can create bokeh with practically any camera if you know the basic optics of how to control depth of field.
All you need to know about macro lenses
What is a really good but affordable macro lens for my camera to help me take clean, crisp macro pictures of flowers? Answer: There are three types of lenses you can use for close up photography: Fixed focal length macro lens, macro zoom lens, and close up filters.
What is fast glass?
This post will explain what lens speed is all about. Lenses all have a maximum aperture. The maximum aperture is the widest opening the lens can have. The wider the lens opening the more light it will let in to the camera sensor. Here is a graphic representing apertures:
Sometimes you need to change your perspective
The focal length of the lens you choose can totally change your perspective. This post shows a visual representation of what I mean. I've tried to keep Shawn the same size in each of the photos. Same f-stop on each photo (f-8.0) and no cropping or any fancy stuff on any of the photos.