Things are still a bit messy on the blog as I imported it from my old website. Links may be broken. I’m working on it! Thanks for your patience.

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Camera shooting modes: Part 2 - Program

The Program mode is the flexible version of the full auto (green square of death) mode. In full auto, the camera makes all of the decisions for you. In Program mode you can set your ISO, white balance, and flash. But, you won't have the stress of choosing f-stops and shutter speeds.

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Should I use a flash or get a fast lens?

At some point after you've purchased that entry level sub $1000 dSLR kit with a couple of consumer grade zoom lenses, you're going to want a faster, sharper lens. By faster I mean one with a larger f-stop than the typical f3.5 you're getting at the wide angle setting of the lens in the kits. Remember, a faster lens lets in more light, so you can you can use a faster shutter speed. That's where the term comes from.

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