Things are still a bit messy on the blog as it is imported from my old website. If you’ve ever done this, you know that these transitions never go as smoothly as they claim. A few links may still be broken. Thanks for your patience.
Sometimes it's okay to use Auto ISO
What is the Best ISO to use?
Do you want some help with exposure compensation?
As you probably know, the back of your camera preview is not reliable for checking the brightness of your photo. It is better to use the histogram. My last post showed you the histogram in action, and this tutorial will show you how to correct the brightness in your photos using the exposure compensation feature that all digital cameras have.
Are you still struggling to understand the histogram?
All you need to know about macro lenses
What is a really good but affordable macro lens for my camera to help me take clean, crisp macro pictures of flowers? Answer: There are three types of lenses you can use for close up photography: Fixed focal length macro lens, macro zoom lens, and close up filters.