Things are still a bit messy on the blog as I imported it from my old website. Links may be broken. I’m working on it! Thanks for your patience.

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Shoot in automatic mode and keep things simple

All too often when I'm teaching people photography, they take the little knowledge they have and then go out and shoot the hardest possible subjects. Then they come back to class defeated and disappointed and want to know why their photos didn't turn out so well.

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Camera shooting modes: Part 2 - Program

The Program mode is the flexible version of the full auto (green square of death) mode. In full auto, the camera makes all of the decisions for you. In Program mode you can set your ISO, white balance, and flash. But, you won't have the stress of choosing f-stops and shutter speeds.

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Camera shooting modes: Part 1 - Full Auto

If you have a dSLR, or an adjustable compact camera, your camera probably has an external shooting mode dial. There are a lot of symbols and letters on that dial. In this post you'll learn about the Green fully automatic mode.

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Digital camera buying guide

If you or someone you know is in the market for a new digital camera, this guide contains information that is key to your buying decision. But I don't want to sound too much like a hard sell salesperson so you'll have to download it and find out for yourself.

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Normal, Fine, Superfine!
cat Marlene Hielema cat Marlene Hielema

Normal, Fine, Superfine!

Set up your camera to shoot the best image quality jpgs. To get the best images from your camera, it's good to understand what all the functions mean and do. This post teaches you about picture quality.

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