Things are still a bit messy on the blog as it is imported from my old website. If you’ve ever done this, you know that these transitions never go as smoothly as they claim. A few links may still be broken. Thanks for your patience.
Shoot in automatic mode and keep things simple
All too often when I'm teaching people photography, they take the little knowledge they have and then go out and shoot the hardest possible subjects. Then they come back to class defeated and disappointed and want to know why their photos didn't turn out so well.
Digital camera buying guide
If you or someone you know is in the market for a new digital camera, this guide contains information that is key to your buying decision. But I don't want to sound too much like a hard sell salesperson so you'll have to download it and find out for yourself.
Should I use a flash or get a fast lens?
At some point after you've purchased that entry level sub $1000 dSLR kit with a couple of consumer grade zoom lenses, you're going to want a faster, sharper lens. By faster I mean one with a larger f-stop than the typical f3.5 you're getting at the wide angle setting of the lens in the kits. Remember, a faster lens lets in more light, so you can you can use a faster shutter speed. That's where the term comes from.

Normal, Fine, Superfine!
Set up your camera to shoot the best image quality jpgs. To get the best images from your camera, it's good to understand what all the functions mean and do. This post teaches you about picture quality.