Things are still a bit messy on the blog as it is imported from my old website. If you’ve ever done this, you know that these transitions never go as smoothly as they claim. A few links may still be broken. Thanks for your patience.

Lumix G9 – Auto White Balance

How to Clean your Camera Sensor
Do you want some help with exposure compensation?
As you probably know, the back of your camera preview is not reliable for checking the brightness of your photo. It is better to use the histogram. My last post showed you the histogram in action, and this tutorial will show you how to correct the brightness in your photos using the exposure compensation feature that all digital cameras have.
Are you still struggling to understand the histogram?
Camera shooting modes: Part 3 - Shutter and Aperture priority. Manual mode.
Brief explanations on when to use Shutter priority, Aperture priority and manual exposure modes with your dSLR camera.
It's all about timing
Photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, the pioneer of modern photojournalism, was the master of timing. He coined the term decisive moment, to describe that moment at which the photo is "most significant". I see timing as the point when your composition, exposure, lighting and subject, all intersect in perfect unison. Photographically, timing is important for everything from facial expressions to sunsets.
Digital camera buying guide
If you or someone you know is in the market for a new digital camera, this guide contains information that is key to your buying decision. But I don't want to sound too much like a hard sell salesperson so you'll have to download it and find out for yourself.
Choosing a digital camera system that will work for you
Hey Marlene, I have a question in regards to cameras. The new Pentax K-7 has caught my attention based on its features. What is your opinion on the Pentax camera and lenses? I was hoping that Nikon was going to replace the D300 with a supposed rumored D400 but nothing yet, and tired of waiting.