Size and Resolution Explained


When you first start taking and editing digital photos you need to understand file size and resolution, especially if you want to print your photos or put them on a website.Learning all the terms like: dpi, ppi, re-sizing, re-sampling, mega bytes and mega pixels, can give you a mega headache!This video tutorial explains file size and resolution of digital images, in simple terms.

Have a look at it here:

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Size and Resolution Terminology

  • pixel - an abbreviation for picture element. It represents the smallest visible element of a digital file.
  • dpi - dots per inch is actually inherited from the printing press, which uses screens that make dots on the page. The closer the dots are together the finer the printing.
  • ppi - pixels per inch is the correct photography term to describe resolution
  • file size - usually talked about in terms of pixel dimensions of the width and height of an image, eg. 200 pixels by 300 pixels
  • resolution - the higher the resolution the closer the pixels are together
  • dimensions - your file has a physical size - for example when making a print or importing into desktop publishing programs. It can be 4x6 inches and have a resolution of 300 ppi.
  • re-sizing - when you re-size a file you change the pixel dimensions
  • re-sampling - that's what Photoshop calls re-sizing.
  • mega bytes (MB) - the size of the file when it's sitting on your hard drive or memory card. You can see the size in bytes or MB when you look through your file browser. When images are compressed using jpg, then have a smaller byte size for emailing.
  • mega pixels - same as pixels but a million times bigger: mega = millions Camera sensors are described in mega pixels. eg. 18MP sensor size.

If you're looking for specifics on what sizes and file types to use in blog posts, websites, and screen presentations, read this post.My free e-course will help you with how to setup size and resolution in your camera settings. Check it out!Free-course-page-title


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