Using the built-in Creative Monochrome filters in your Lumix camera
I love taking photo walks with my small camera!
When I'm on a photo walk I leave my cell phone turned off and I completely tune into my surroundings.Recently I did some tests using the Monochrome filters on my Lumix GM1. My results are in the video below.[responsive_video type='youtube' hide_related='1' hide_logo='1' hide_controls='1' hide_title='0' hide_fullscreen='0' autoplay='0'][/responsive_video]
All Lumix cameras have a set of built-in creative filters.
These filters are accessible using the mode dial. See where, in the photo above.When you're in this mode, the camera is using auto exposure. But you can still tweak the exposure compensation, which is a feature I use a lot in all my auto modes. I show you how to do that in the video. Have a look.
Using these filters allows you to pre-process your images so that you spend less time post-processing them.Often I do nothing at all to my files except export them through Lightroom. That is so I can automatically re-size them for web use, and add my url watermark. Occasionally I'll do some cropping too.If you have a Lumix camera, get out for a photo walk and experiment with the creative filters. Post some on the ImageMaven facebook page and tag them with #LumixStories.If you love Lumix cameras, check out my Lumix Lovers page where you'll find more blog posts that share tech talk and techniques for using Lumix cameras.